Does Santa remind you of someone?
Zooming into the TKSL Christmas Party
Dear Friends,
It goes without saying, 2023 has definitely been a BIG year! And yesterday, we finished it off with our annual Christmas Pizza Party at TKSL, with a special guest on Zoom!
But before we head into our year-end break, we'd like to say to all of you, THANK YOU!
To all the supporters and friends of the Good Fortune Trust and Tashi Khangmar Samdrub Ling, sponsors, benefactors, volunteers and families; without your kindness and support Khensur Rinpoche's projects would not even exist.
Through the sponsorship programme, hundreds of monks and nuns benefit from your kindness and generosity; Thank You!
Special thanks to Tashi for running the sponsorship programme and for everything else she does behind the scenes!
To Pema and the dedicated team of helpers who have kept Rinpoche's school open; Thank You!
To Vincent, Sophia and Tara who have opened their home to accommodate Rinpoche and his attendants; Thank You!
Special thanks to Pema and Pamo who vacated their rooms to allow this to happen; Amazing!
Special thanks to all the people who are helping with Rinpoche's ongoing personal care. It's long hours and hard work, being done with a motivation of guru devotion; Incredible!
Special thanks to Gayle who stays with Rinpoche every single night!
Special thanks and gratitude also to Carolyn and Ramya who every week supply wonderful meals for our band of round-the-clock carers.
The biggest thanks of all to our precious teacher, Khensur Rinpoche who returned to teach us again in the latter part of this year.
Rinpoche recently said he would continue to teach as often as he can. He said he knows a bit about the Buddha-Dharma, having studied for 30-plus years, so he has some understanding to share. He will continue explaining what he has learned as long as he can, and he will do so very happily.
He also said we should meditate on what we've learned; although he hasn't been able to do that, it is what we need to do.
May 2024 and beyond bring happiness and good health to you all, and we look forward to seeing you again in the New Year
With gratitude and love